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Kim Nesbitt
Kim is a marine biologist, adventure photographer, and full-time nomad. Not a fan of having her feet solidly on the ground, she spends most of the year diving, paragliding, skiing, hiking, kayaking, and working on ships. She made it to all seven continents by age 24 and still has plenty of traveling left to do.
Growing up mostly in the White Mountains of New Hampshire instilled a love of uneven terrain, so she headed to the much larger Rocky Mountains of Colorado as soon as she could. Kim earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Denver and continued on to earn a Master of Business Administration through both the University of Denver and Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan.
While Kim prefers the colder places on the planet, her initial work in field biology came from the tropics of East Africa. She worked on one of the world's foremost Marine Protected Areas establishing a baseline survey of the predatory fish on the coral reef in Zanzibar. Moving from fish biology to whales, she has worked on humpback whale projects in Alaska and Hawai’i.
While not aboard expedition ships, Kim finds adventures around the world, from the Himalayas to Colombia to the wilderness of Alaska, generally getting covered in dirt somewhere. Or, occasionally, curled up with a good beer and a book about exploration, science, and history. Kim is more than happy to share her passion for nature as well as all the fun facts she has accumulated over years of expedition travel experience.