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Ralph Pace
Ralph is a freelance underwater and environmental photographer based in San Diego, California. Having grown up in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia, Ralph’s love of nature and the outdoors came at a young age. He holds a graduate degree in marine biodiversity and conservation from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography where he used the economic value of a surfing wave along with photography to stop the construction of a marina project that would have ruined a lagoon, a critical sea turtle nesting habitat, and a world-class surf break.
After years of working in marine conservation, Ralph began using photography as a tool to document and share scientific stories. Using his education background in science, Ralph hopes to act as an interpreter to simplify scientific messages through imagery.
In addition to his freelance work, Ralph spends three months each year on the beautiful island of Maui, where he documents humpback whale behavior and aids in the research efforts of Whale Trust Maui.