Wellness Specialists

Discover the spirit of health, harmony, and holistic wellness of our expeditions


Wellness Specialists

Take a vigorous hike along a Baja ridgeline through a forest of giant cacti. Join an expert-led yoga session in your ship’s blissful, glass-lined yoga studio. Or greet a particularly mild Arctic morning with a stretch on deck led by your wellness specialist, followed by a warm mug of camomile tea with lemon and honey.

The wellness specialist on each ship in the Lindblad-National Geographic fleet leads the wellness program, which is the embodiment of the belief that nature is vitalizing and that wellness, as Thoreau famously said, supplies a tonic.

The program is tailored to each ship and geography. In tropical climates like Galápagos or Central America, the wellness specialist may focus on offering longer, aerobic hikes or more contemplative kayak outings along the shore. In the Antarctic they may lead a hike up a steep hillside followed by a fast slide back down to shore. In Baja standup paddleboard yoga could be offered in the morning followed by a sand dune hike before a beach campfire.

Wherever you choose to explore, your wellness specialist will be a fully accredited and experienced licensed massage therapist. In addition to leading wellness programs ashore and aboard ship, they will offer personal treatments in the spa tailored to meet your individual needs and preferences.

Take a vigorous hike along a Baja ridgeline through a forest of giant cacti. Join an expert-led yoga session in your ship’s blissful, glass-lined yoga studio. Or greet a particularly mild Arctic morning with a stretch on deck led by your wellness specialist, followed by a warm mug of camomile tea with lemon and honey....

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