Santa Cruz & Chinese Hat

Today we visited two new places in the Galápagos Archipelago; it is our sixth expedition day in this paradise and yet we explored new volcanic landscapes full of animals and colors.

During our morning on the island of Santa Cruz, we could do several activities such as a walk to explore a place called Dragon Hill (named after the endemic land iguanas), and deep water snorkeling at a group of islets called Guy Fawkes. Combining these two activities one really gets to know the marine and land ecosystem of Santa Cruz since we found: land iguanas, lava lizards, native and endemic vegetation, a lot of multicolor fish, and several species of marine invertebrates.

Before lunch we could experience something breathtaking, a feeding frenzy where we could watch right next to the ship, sharks, tuna, sardines, blue-footed boobies, brown pelicans and some frigate birds, all of them cooperating for catching their food of the day.

After our lunch we arrived at Chinese Hat, located on the southeastern corner of Santiago Island, this is perhaps one of the most striking geological landscapes in the archipelago, so we prepared a lot of options for our guests in order to make them be in direct contact with this place’s nature.

The options were: deep water snorkeling, kayaking, beach time, and a Zodiac cruise, all accompanied by an astonishing sunset, some penguins and sea lions which were drawing such a special scenery on young lava flows, craters and giant cacti; playing a true tribute to the name Enchanted Islands!