Many of these souls had never imagined how angry he was going to be; crossing the equator for the first time had awoken the long sleep of King Neptune. As the little mortals approached the stern of the Polaris, they found themselves surrounded by the Spirit of the Oceans and the Mighty Will of the Lord of all Seas, as well as the powerful smell of a fish, that had jumped out of the waters (several days ago) to fulfill the tradition. After screaming and much sea legs shaking, the human calves were given a drink made of iguana blood. Then they proceeded to kiss, in order to honor the flippers of the King. And last but not least, the famous kiss of the fish. All performed with great pomp to the delight of the audience and ending in a maritime manner - a gracious stream of water was splashed upon them all from a fire goose, which provoked the accepting smile of King Neptune.
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