The Chilkat Valley near Haines is known for its bald eagle preserve that attracts a few thousand eagles to the area for a late-season salmon run. Guests from the Sea Bird had an option to take a leisurely river raft trip through the preserve. Other people had an opportunity to flightsee over glaciers, getting a wonderful perspective of the magnificent rivers of ice. An eager group of ten decided to hike up Mount Riley, and were rewarded with majestic views at the top, as the clouds parted to reveal 360 degrees of scenic mountains and fjords.
Everyone converged back at the Chilkat Tribal House for a delectable salmon bake, which was supplemented with salads, chowder, corn, barbecued ribs, bread and beverages of choice. This was followed by a performance of the Chilkat Dancers. They wore traditional Tlingit regalia and their dances depicted the legends of their people.